Saturday, May 30, 2015

Mindset by Dweck Chapter 1: The Mindsets

Binet-designed IQ test to identify children who were falling through the cracks in French public schools to redesign their instruction

He believed that education and practice could fundamentally change someone's intelligence 

Block quote on page 5 is AMAZING!!

Major factor in whether people achieve expertise "is not some fixed prior ability, but a purposeful engagement." 

The view you adopt for yourself profoundly affects the way you lead your life. 

Believing that your qualities are carved in stone-the fixed mindset-creates an urgency to prove yourself over and over. 

Fixed mindset-every situation calls for a confirmation of their intelligence, personality, or character. Every situation is evaluated: will I succeed or fail? Will I look smart or dumb? Will I be accepted or rejected? Will I feel like a winner or a loser? 

Growth Mindset- The hand you're dealt is just the starting point for development. This growth mindset is based on the belief that your basic qualities are things you can cultivate through your efforts. Everyone can change and grow through application and experience. They believe that a person's true potential is unknown (and unknowable); that it's impossible to foresee what can be accomplished with years of passion, toil, and training. 

Why waste time proving over and over how great you are when you could be getting better? Why hide deficiencies instead of overcoming them? 

The passion for stretching yourself and sticking to it, even (or especially) when it's not going well, is the hallmark of the growth mindset. This is the mindset that allows people to thrive during some of the most challenging times in their lives. 

Even when people with the growth mindset feel distressed, they are ready to take risks, confront challenges, and keep working at them. 

Fixed mindset people believe that risk and effort are two things that might reveal your inadequacies and show that you were not up to the task. In fact, it's startling to see the degree to which can people with the fixed minder do not believe in effort. 

People are terrible at estimating their abilities. 

You need accurate information about your current abilities in order to learn effectively. If everything is either good news or bad news about your precious traits--as it is with fixed mindset people--distortion almost inevitably enters the picture. Some outcomes are magnified, others are explained away, and before you know it you don't know yourself at all. 

Exceptional people seem to have a special talent for converting life's setbacks into future successes. 

Pages 12-13 great questions for each mindset

He fixed mindset makes you concerned with how you'll be judged; the growth mindset makes you concerned with improving.


Great Thoughts on Marital Relationships

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Part 7: Success is NOT a secret - Pastor John Nuzzo

These seven principles of success are everyday life principles of success! 

7. Celebrate Often
We are intentional about celebrating next steps, big and small. What you celebrate you duplicate. So celebrate victories, milestones, and accomplishments of everyone, often! 

Celebrating 2,222 people getting saved so far this year!

Celebration doesn't always mean positive! Celebrate PROGRESS and be thankful in the moment and HOPE for the future. 

We you are PRESENT be PRESENT! You can be in the middle of the most precious time of your life and not be there because you are so "busy". 

Enjoy every last moment and celebrate each one. Enjoy the moments. Young parents- SLOW DOWN- it's not that important what you are doing at work. Celebrate the SMALL THINGS. RIGHT THINGS. 

Celebration-it happens with what you give your emotional and mental energy to. NEVER celebrate something bad happening in another persons life! 

Critical people are not successful. You must be a critical THINKER. But no one wants to be around a critical PERSON, that's a BITTER person. 

Don't just celebrate your own wins; learn to celebrate the wins of others. Become an ENCOURAGER! 

Critical people are NOT FUN TO BE AROUND! 

The world is desperate for encouragement. Do not focus on your past both losses and WINS. Paul "I've learned to forget those things that are behind me." You have to decide: are you going to live in your history or your DESTINY? 

We weren't meant to live behind; we were meant to live forward.
 Luke 9:62 NIV

Plow = WORK


You have nuclear potential; don't settle of a firecracker life! If you live in your yesterday you will have a firecracker life. 

Jesus celebrated PEOPLE not stuff and every gain we have in our lives should be about people not things.

The word used in the Bible for the people Jesus hung out with: NOTORIOUS sinners. The word for the people Jesus was ruthless with in the Bible: SELF-RIGHTEOUS people/RELIGIOUS people.  
Jesus celebrated people with needs, the broken. 

Luke 15:6-7- NIV "no need of rescue" =self righteous people
Luke 15:9-10; NIV heaven will not be boring it will be about 24/7 celebration! But why wait until we die to have fun and celebration? 
Luke 15:31-32 (the message) 
ELDEST son is an example of the self righteous people. 

Let us CELEBRATE in our daily lives, daily! 

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Part 6: Success is NOT a secret - Pastor John Nuzzo

6. Walk in God's love
Always treat ppl better than they deserve.

The power of God is something that is in Christ in you. 
1. God's love toward you, and 2. God's love through you. 

1. God's love toward you
1 John 3:1 called children of God

Ppl long to be treated better than they deserve. Walk in God's love toward each other. 

Wedding vows are all promising to be a GIVER and not a receiver. 

God says, "Your worth is not based on what you did or didn't do. I've chosen to make you My sons and daughters."

Unconditional-fight your battles together John 17:23

Believing the love of God will change you life. 1 John 4:17,19 

2. God's love through us
Ephesians 5:1-2

It was not grievous to Me because I love you. 

John 13:34-35

1 John 4:7-9
Born of God

Ephesians 3:17-20
ACCORDING to the power (LOVE) that works in us. 

The love of Christ constrains us. 

Walking in love has nothing to do with how you feel. It's a decision. 

Speak well about those who speak ill of you. Do well to those who do ill to you. 

How much have I been kept back because of my mouth and attitude? *Exceedingly and abundantly*
and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power (LOVE) that is at work within us, (Ephesians 3:19-20 NIV)

Part 5: Success is NOT a secret - Pastor John Nuzzo

5.  Own It 
A culture of YES 
United loyalty and a passionate commitment 

We start with a yes then we define the obstacles. 

Culture of yes-It causes you to look to God first. Luke 1:26-38
Luke 1:37***

A servant of God says yes first. 

Owning it isn't just about you and your success. What persons are yet to be impacted by you owning it? 

This stops with me. What it God dealing w you about that requires you to own it? 

Loyalty- it's rare- mark 14:50
John 19:25-26
God is always doing more than you can see. 

United in loyalty. 
A loyal person isn't someone who doesn't feel fear or fatigue. It means you have a value in you that says we won't quit. All the resources here are by the united loyalty of people owning something. Nothing of value goes unchallenged. Everything of value has to be defended. Nothing is worth more than your family and the family of God. They are the only two institutions on earth that are eternal. 
Philippians 1:16 
Passionate defense brings incredible success. 
Judge God faithful no matter what this looks like. I own this, I defend this. Every direction from God is for our good. 
Deuteronomy 6:24
Obedience fulfills all in our lives. 

Godly Success=Facing things with the power of God in your life.

Part 4: Success is NOT a Secret - Pastor John Nuzzo

4. Make It Better
- Many businesses have died because they 
   have not followed Godly principals
- My hearts desire is to reach people
- Make it better does not mean perfect
      * Philippians 1:10
- Critical people have needs that are a 
   bottomless Pitt.
- You can not have a healthy spiritual  
   Relationship and build a team of people
   if you are a critic!
       * James 1:5
- 4 Things to make it better
       1. Success is incremental steps, you
           Must lift lids for yourself and others!
           " Remove The Ceiling"
           Lids are the next steps that your not   
           taking. Steps not leaps!
       2. Be intentional about asking for help 
           and helping others. Remove the 
           Pride. Initiatives fail because they 
           hit the lid of the leader and the leader
           never empowers other people.
       3. You have to recognize the gifts and 
            talents of others...then leverage 
       4. We are better when we work together

- Success is not your outcome, but the 
   outcomes of those who you have helped

Success isn't making great leaps. It's making it better incrementally. 
Requires 4 things:
1.  Lift lids for others. Everybody has a lid. You have to break through the lid.  Discover, track, evaluate, and refine your lid. 
2. Be intentional about asking for help and helping others. Pride says I don't need help I can do it myself. Humility says my success is connected to others. Never put people in positions of authority who are full of pride and never ask for help. 
3. Recognize the gifts and talents in your colleagues and family and leverage them.  The pastor isn't hired to do what's in your heart. Success is unlimited when you leverage the capacities of those around you
4. We are better when we work together.

Success is what people do in your absence. Striving for individual accomplishments over empowering other people is unGodly. 
The joy of living only exists when you lift others. 
If you found the cure to a sickness that you and 40 million people have and you kept it to yourself...

Part 3: Success is NOT a Secret - Pastor John Nuzzo

Life's not fair but God is
1. Put people first
2. Stay fit 
3. Take next steps
Every Christian has areas of failure. God is greater than your failure. Greatest problems in Christians are internal. 
Psalm 37:23 he delights in each step they take 
Spiritually we want to take leaps and not steps. 
Put spiritual things first 
God has empowered you to succeed in life. God is not a failure so join up with him. 
1 Corinthians 3:9
We are Gods coworkers 
Isaiah 47:10
Revelation 1:8

1. Will you or God determine your next step and will you take it?
2. What is your next step? 

2nd Kings 7:3
If you only lean on What you can think you will never go to the places God has prepared for you. Who is going to decide my next step Hod or me? Proverbs 16:25
Humble yourself in his presence 
James 4:6-7;10
Grace is Devine enablement 

1. Gods provision
2. Your own limited resources
3. Enemy's territory 

Live to please God

A Christian without a church home is an orphan 

Success is learning to solve the greatest problem in God's heart. 

Part 1: Success is NOT a secret- Pastor John Nuzzo

Proverb 10:22
When you gain something that adds sorrow to your life you are not successful at all. Success is a series of wise decisions. Seven principles of success:
1. Put people first
The bedrock principle of God and his dealings with us. 

Two take-a-ways:
1. People before rules
Perfectionism will cause you to devalue ppl when the rule is important not the person. 
Matt 8: 1-3
2. People before obstacles
Hebrews 12:10 John 10:11 Jesus death on cross
I refuse to love money more than Jesus. 
Make decisions on our values not on our obstacles. 

Jesus put you first