Sunday, May 24, 2015

Part 7: Success is NOT a secret - Pastor John Nuzzo

These seven principles of success are everyday life principles of success! 

7. Celebrate Often
We are intentional about celebrating next steps, big and small. What you celebrate you duplicate. So celebrate victories, milestones, and accomplishments of everyone, often! 

Celebrating 2,222 people getting saved so far this year!

Celebration doesn't always mean positive! Celebrate PROGRESS and be thankful in the moment and HOPE for the future. 

We you are PRESENT be PRESENT! You can be in the middle of the most precious time of your life and not be there because you are so "busy". 

Enjoy every last moment and celebrate each one. Enjoy the moments. Young parents- SLOW DOWN- it's not that important what you are doing at work. Celebrate the SMALL THINGS. RIGHT THINGS. 

Celebration-it happens with what you give your emotional and mental energy to. NEVER celebrate something bad happening in another persons life! 

Critical people are not successful. You must be a critical THINKER. But no one wants to be around a critical PERSON, that's a BITTER person. 

Don't just celebrate your own wins; learn to celebrate the wins of others. Become an ENCOURAGER! 

Critical people are NOT FUN TO BE AROUND! 

The world is desperate for encouragement. Do not focus on your past both losses and WINS. Paul "I've learned to forget those things that are behind me." You have to decide: are you going to live in your history or your DESTINY? 

We weren't meant to live behind; we were meant to live forward.
 Luke 9:62 NIV

Plow = WORK


You have nuclear potential; don't settle of a firecracker life! If you live in your yesterday you will have a firecracker life. 

Jesus celebrated PEOPLE not stuff and every gain we have in our lives should be about people not things.

The word used in the Bible for the people Jesus hung out with: NOTORIOUS sinners. The word for the people Jesus was ruthless with in the Bible: SELF-RIGHTEOUS people/RELIGIOUS people.  
Jesus celebrated people with needs, the broken. 

Luke 15:6-7- NIV "no need of rescue" =self righteous people
Luke 15:9-10; NIV heaven will not be boring it will be about 24/7 celebration! But why wait until we die to have fun and celebration? 
Luke 15:31-32 (the message) 
ELDEST son is an example of the self righteous people. 

Let us CELEBRATE in our daily lives, daily! 

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