4. Make It Better
- Many businesses have died because they
have not followed Godly principals
- My hearts desire is to reach people
- Make it better does not mean perfect
* Philippians 1:10
- Critical people have needs that are a
bottomless Pitt.
- You can not have a healthy spiritual
Relationship and build a team of people
if you are a critic!
* James 1:5
- 4 Things to make it better
1. Success is incremental steps, you
Must lift lids for yourself and others!
" Remove The Ceiling"
Lids are the next steps that your not
taking. Steps not leaps!
2. Be intentional about asking for help
and helping others. Remove the
Pride. Initiatives fail because they
hit the lid of the leader and the leader
never empowers other people.
3. You have to recognize the gifts and
talents of others...then leverage
4. We are better when we work together
- Success is not your outcome, but the
outcomes of those who you have helped
Success isn't making great leaps. It's making it better incrementally.
Requires 4 things:
1. Lift lids for others. Everybody has a lid. You have to break through the lid. Discover, track, evaluate, and refine your lid.
2. Be intentional about asking for help and helping others. Pride says I don't need help I can do it myself. Humility says my success is connected to others. Never put people in positions of authority who are full of pride and never ask for help.
3. Recognize the gifts and talents in your colleagues and family and leverage them. The pastor isn't hired to do what's in your heart. Success is unlimited when you leverage the capacities of those around you
4. We are better when we work together.
Success is what people do in your absence. Striving for individual accomplishments over empowering other people is unGodly.
The joy of living only exists when you lift others.
If you found the cure to a sickness that you and 40 million people have and you kept it to yourself...
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