Sunday, June 14, 2015

Friendship with God-From Good or God? - Guest Speaker John Bevere

Good or God? 

Hebrews-discernment to recognize good versus evil. 

Must have a vibrant relationship with the word of God and the local church in order to gain that discernment. 

Warnings aren't negative they are positive. They are God's way to create a course correction. 

Do you want friendship with God? Or a "good life" that is distant from God? 

James 4:5
Yearns-long for intensely 

Psalm 139:17-18
God's thoughts about me. 

James 4:4
When we seek relationship with the world, we are adulterers. 

Adulterers create anger and hurt in God.

Enmity (echthra) hostility...a reason for opposition. 

God is a passionate lover and you don't want to face a passionate lover's hostility. 

John 15:19
1 John 2:15

Friendship- philia 
Broad Acquaintance and intimate sense of personal deep bonding. 

The World is seeking you out like a harlot seeks on a man. 

Stages of Adultery
1. Acquaintance 
2. Spark
3. Stiring of interest
4. Meeting 
5. Constantly on his mind
6. Eventually get in bed together 

Matthew 5:28 
Your heart is where you live; your outward actions merely follow. 

Worlds attractions grows with our invested time. 

Colossians 3:1-2
Seek and set 
What you seek is what your mind will be set on. 

Romans 8:5-7

Your mind will always go to where it is set like a thermostat. When thinking isn't required your mind will go to where it is set. 

"I don't want your five hours of sacrifice, I want your obedience."

James 4:4-5,8
A friend of the world is an enemy of God. 

1 John 5:21
1 Corinthians 10:22-23

My thoughts are set on God, Jesus, the ministry He's called me to, my family. 

Set your thoughts on things above. 

Pursue Holiness Hebrews 12:14

There are Christians who know about Him but really don't KNOW Him. The only ones who do are the ones that pursue Him. 

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