This sends bad messages to people:
1. You obviously haven't been listening very well if you've already formulated your response in your head.
2. You do not value me or my opinion because you refuse to take the time to hear me out.
3. You must believe that what you've got to say is much more important than what I've got to say.
Your feelings of respect must be aligned with your actions of respect.
Signs of attentive listening:
1. Look directly into the person's eyes
2. Nod your head periodically to acknowledge you understand
3. Never speak a word until the person is finished
Feeling at your lowest point is the perfect place to begin.
Paradigms- psychological patterns, models, or maps we use to navigate our way through life.
Clinging to old paradigms can allow us to become stuck while the world passes us by.
It's important to challenge our paradigms about ourselves, the world around us, our organizations, and others. We do not see the world as it is; we see the world as WE are.
In this paradigm, everyone is looking upward, toward the boss and away from the customer.
Who are you trying to please or serve in this model? The BOSS
The role of the leader is to serve. Removing the obstacles would be serving the people.
When we as managers stop serving coffee on the airplanes, cleaning out the bedpans, teaching the kids in school, or driving the fork lift, we have ceased adding value to the product or service and have become overhead.
A leader is someone who identifies and meets the legitimate needs of their people, removes all the barriers, so they can serve the customer. To lead, you must serve.
Slaves do what others want, servants do what others need. People need an environment with boundaries and accountability, a place where standards are set and people are held accountable. The leader should never settle for mediocrity or second best. People have a need to be pushed to be the best they can be.
Want- a wish or desire without any regard for the physical or psychological consequences
Need- a legitimate physical or psychological requirement for the wellbeing of a human being.
Different people have different needs, so the leader needs to be flexible.
We should be constantly asking ourselves, what are the needs of the people I lead? If you get stuck, ask what needs do I have? That should get you going again.
Safety and Security- provides consistency and predictability
Belonging and love- the need to be part of a healthy group with accepting and healthy relationships
Self esteem- the need to be valued, treated with respect, appreciated, encouraged, to receive recognition, rewards, etc.
Self actualization- to become the best you can be or are capable of becoming. The leader should push and encourage people to become the best they are capable of becoming.
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