Saturday, June 13, 2015

Holiness- From Good or God? Guest Speaker - John Bevere

What is your ultimate goal? 

Philippians 3:14

Financial security? Friendship? Health? Happiness? What desire outweighs all other desires? 

Hebrew 11:24-26

Moses wanted the presence of God. 

Exodus 33: 1-3, 15 "I would rather endure this hardship then be out of Your presence."

God wants to be desired. 

Why didn't God take them straight to the promised land and not through the desert? 

Exodus 19:4,6 
Priest can go DIRECTLY to God and he calls His people a kingdom of Priest he wanted his people to come directly to Him.

Exodus 19: 10-11 I want an authentic relationship with My people not a golddigger relationship. 

I don't want you coming to Me for what I can give you. I want you to come to Me because you are passionate about Me because I am passionate about you.

They could not connect with God at Saini because they still had Egypt on them. The "what can I get" mentality.

2 Corinthians 6:16-7:1

If you really want the presence of God, cleanse yourself of the filth of the world so we can really enjoy complete fellowship with God. 

2 cortginians 6:17 
Hagios (Greek): set apart for God, to be, as it were, exclusively His

James 4:5
Jealously: I want to be the apple of Your eye. You want Me to be the apple of your eye. Can you be Mine? 

The World:
1. Indulgence of flesh
2. Gratification of the eyes
3. Pride of life (status, reputation)

James 4:4 

 Holiness: deals with behavior. It shows you are completely His. 

 Hebrews 12:14

Without Holiness you will not enter into the presence of God.  

Isaiah 6 
Revelation 5

Holiness-giving yourself completely to God. We are be joking him bc we aren't chasing after Holiness

John 14:21

Chasing with the intent to apprehend true relationship, true intimacy with God. It doesn't mean chasing rules and regulations. 

Holiness is the doorway into the presence of God. The behavior that comes out of our commitment to a relationship with God. Chase after the behavior of being completely God's. 

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